Monday, January 19, 2009


this year i have been lucky enough to have three dog bites. THREE!

first was my new years bite...i got up to pee and got my after midnight kiss, and when i sat back down to play more would you rather, dog #1 decides to bite my arm. he didnt break the skin but i had a really ugly bruise for a whole entire week. good thing i was drunk when it happened or i would have been very upset. i dont think you can really see the bruise in these pictures...oh well.

then a week and a half ago i was babysitting nick and hannah, my most favorite little kids besides deacon, and their dog frodo bit my thumb when i was putting him in his kennel. this time there was blood. i had to change my band aid three times because it was bleeding so much! i am babysitting again this friday, he better be on his best behavior this time. or maybe i should wear protective hand wear.

the third was sam. i dont have a picture.
if you own a dog, tell it to be nice to me because i love it and i dont want it to bite me.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

larn I love that picture of you. the middle one. Your facial expression is wonderful. I also love the details of the bites- like the details of your cats.

I miss you:(