Thursday, March 18, 2010

dear friends

stop driving home when you have been drinking. you are being stupid and extremely selfish. you are putting yourself at risk every single time you do it. and you are also putting others at risk. how would you feel if you hit someone?
i am happy to pick you up. you know i rarely go out. please call me next time before you do something stupid.


Manda Lynn said...

oooh i am so very happy that i found you in the blogging world! k, so i currently live with my parents in the middle of nowhere and don't get cell service but i'm going to text you as soon as i get into the city and we are going to talk about this dress i'm making! i'm using a lot of exclamation points! i'm like a cheerleader i'm so excited! k i'm going to go now!

Sophia said...

fine I will.

My World said...

nice blog

Natalie said...

I've actually been thinking about this a lot because my 21 year old brother got picked up on a DUI last week. I don't care if he wants to drink so much he doesn't know where he is (when he called my mom he told her the wrong city) - BUT DON'T GET IN YOUR CAR!!!!!! Obviously him getting a DUI sucks, but I'm just glad he didn't hurt anyone.

Eci si Cami said...

Hello! We are a family of serious bloggers and our goal is to make friends worldwide blogs we read and commented with respect!
If you want a link exchange we are waiting with great pleasure! Have a very nice blog!

Joshua Ludeker said...

This is a great message. Really, I am a stranger, don't know you or your friends, but I am someone who lost their brother in a car accident due to drunk driving. Nothing can describe that feeling, unless that person has been through it, and each is in the mindset that "this won't happen to me" or "I'm totally sober enough to drive.
Anyway, thanks for being there for your friends and quite a few strangers on the road, like me.
Also, I read your previous post, and I just stumbled on your blog by pressing next on the screen above. Yes, weird. So have another follower! :-)